  • 北京杰辉博高生物技术有限公司
  • 联系人:杨经理
  • 电话:4000610918
  • 邮箱:1261299569@qq.com
  • 地址:北京市海淀区乾通天商务楼
  • 品牌:进口
  • 产地:美国
  • 发布日期: 2018-03-29
  • 更新日期: 2023-04-25
产地 美国
品牌 进口
货号 免费代测
保存条件 2---8°C
英文名称 Salmon Complement 3 ELISA Kit
保质期 个月



The quantikine Salmon Complement 3 (C3) immunoassay is a 4.5 hour solid phase elisa designed to measure Salmon Complement 3 (C3) levels in cell culture supernates, serum, and plasma. It contains e. Coli-expressed recombinant Salmon Complement 3 (C3) and antibodies raised against recombinant Salmon Complement 3 (C3). This immunoassay has been shown to accurately quantitate the recombinant factor. Results obtained using natural Salmon Complement 3 (C3) showed dose response curves that were parallel to the standard curves obtained using the recombinant quantikine kit standards. These results indicate that this kit can be used to determine relative mass values for natural Salmon Complement 3 (C3)