  • 北京杰辉博高生物技术有限公司
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Human aFGFAb ELISA Kit进口
  • 品牌:SANCHEZ
  • 产地:SANCHEZ
  • 发布日期: 2018-01-15
  • 更新日期: 2023-04-25
货号 eia05027h
保存条件 Low temperature centrifuge.
英文名称 Human aFGFAb ELISA Kit
保质期 个月

Cat No.eia05027h        

Human aFGFAb ELISA Kit

Dear customers, thank you for choosing our products. This product is suitable for in vitro qualitative detection of human serum, plasma or cell culture supernatant and organizations in the natural and recombinant Acidic fibroblast growth factor antibody(aFGFAb) concentration. Detection of other special sample please contact our technical support. The kit is for research use only. Please read the instructions carefully before using and check the kit components. If you have any questions, please contact SANCHEZ INC You will get our full range of services.


This kit employs Double Antibody Sandwich Technique. The principle of Double Antibody Sandwich is based on characteristics of the tested antigen with more than two valances which can identify coated antibody and detection antibody at same time. The specific process is as follows:


1. Connect the specific antibodies and solid phase carriers to form immobilized antibodies. Wash out uncombined antibodies and impurities. Seal the rest binding sites with irrelevant proteins.

2. Join under test with immobilized antibodies for contact reaction. After a while, combine antigens in and antibodies on carriers into the antigens complex. Wash out uncombined antibodies and impurities.

3. Add biotin labeling antibodies to combine with the antigens on immune complexes. Wash out the uncombined biotin labeling antibodies thoroughly. The enzyme amount on the carrier is now positively related to the amount of the tested substance in specimens.

4. Add horseradish peroxidase to label the avidins and incorporate them with the biotin labeling antibodies. Wash out the incorporated enzyme markers thoroughly. The enzyme amount on the carrier is now positively related to the amount of the tested substance in specimens.

5. Add substrates for coloring, and compute the concentration of specimens.

Note: an antibody molecule can be marked on several biotin molecules and a biotin molecule can be connected with a HRP-Avidin to form numbers of horseradish peroxidases combining with antibodies which shows higher sensitivity and amplification effect comparing with traditional direct HRP-Antibodies.


Detection principle of Human aFGF Ab ELISA kit

This experiment use double-sandwich elisa technique and the ELISA Kit provided is typical. The pre-coated antibody is human aFGFAb monoclonal antibody and the detecting antibody is polyclonal antibody with biotin labeled. Samples and biotin labeling antibody are added into ELISA plate wells and washed out with PBS or TBS. Then Avidin-peroxidase conjugates are added to ELISA wells in order; Use TMB substrate for coloring after reactant thoroughly washed out by PBS or TBS. TMB turns into blue in peroxidase catalytic and finally turns into yellow under the action of acid. The color depth and the testing factors in samples are positively correlated.

Kit composition

name                    96 Tests  48 TestsStorage

1antibody precoated plate    8×12      8×64/-20℃

2Human aFGFAb Standards   2 vial      1 vial4/-20℃

3Biotinylated antibody(1:100)    2 vial     1 vial4/-20℃

4Enzyme conjugate(1:100) 1vial      1 vial4/-20℃

5Enzyme diluent                1vial  1vial        4/-20℃

6antibody diluent               1vial  1 vial4/-20℃

7Standard diluent               1vial 1 vial      4/-20℃

8Sample diluent                1vial  1 vial   4/-20℃

9Washing liquid(1:25)         1 vial 1 vial    4/-20℃

10Substrate A     1 vial 1 vial   4/-20℃

11Substrate B   1 vial 1 vial   4/-20℃

12Stop Solution     1 vial 1 vial   4/-20℃

13Instruction    1 set 1 set   RT

14Film                       4 set         2 set        RT


